Bryan, Ohio has a scenic and very entrepreneurial flair about its history and people. Located on this page are some local links of interest for people wanting to learn more about Bryan and its heritage. Please feel free to click on each item. It will open in a new window.
The Williams County Courthouse Perspective
Some historical and interesting facts about the beautiful courthouse on the square.
The Williams County Public Library
Bryan is home to a wonderful library with several great resources for all ages.

Bryan Area Cruise In & Car Show
Every Thursday evening, June – August, on the square…cool cars…check it out. 6pm-8pm
Bryan City Band
Each Wednesday, June – July, beginning at 8 PM at the pavilion downtown.

Bryan Farmers Market
Fresh produce grown locally and offered by area farmers, mid May – October.
Williams County Airport
The 5000 ft. runway serves Williams County aircrafts.
Bryan Area Parks
Bryan is blessed with many beautiful parks.

Bryan Jubilee Downtown
A long history of fun and excitement from our own festival!

Bryan Historic Homes District
Bryan’s historic beautiful homes district.